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#1 21.06.2012 16:41:13


JG77 History Book Volume 2

I am addressing this question to Miroslaw
and rest who may have details. I can not
translate in Russian , therefore English.

Page Nr 677 of JG77 ,Volume II, is claimed that on
July 8,1941 after 18:00 hrs pm  7 DB-3F
out of a formation of 20 DB-3F originating
from Black Sea Fleet airfields were shot down in
Bessarabia perimeters Jassy, Balti , Constanza by :

Olt Lasse  ( 2)
Lt.Marotzke (2)
Ofw Riehl   ( 2)
Ofw Baumgartner (1)

My records showing only 3 DB-3F  40 BAP, 2 MTAP   
and 78 OMRAE (pilots Lt Sinelnikov, Capt.Furkalov ,Lt. Izotov

Also , on month of July 1941 Uffz Bochmann claimed
several times to have shot down Р-10 (ХАИ-5)

and и-17   near  Белзи  and near Тирасполъ
which were prototypes and not fully in use with ВВС .

Which  ВВС squadron operated Р-10  and  и-17  ?

Would appreciate details

Отредактированно arrow1 (21.06.2012 21:46:38)

#2 24.06.2012 23:38:44

Botik Petra Velikogo
anna3 stas3b
Сообщений: 10313

Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Судя по немецкому КТВ морского учебного командования в Констанце в 15.55 состоялся налет 7 бомбардировщиков, из которых шесть, якобы, были сбиты немецкими истребителями. По советским данным (Хроника) в налете принимали участие 8 ДБ-3 из 2-го мтап. Согласно книге учета полковых потерь в воздушном бою был сбит лишь один самолет (командир экипажа л-т Синельников). Ни о каких других потерях данных нет. Кроме того, ДБ-3 никогда не служили в 40-м бап.
Самолеты 40-го бап 8 июля не атаковали Констанцу, а бомбили румынские корабли и береговые объекты в Тульче. При этом один СБ был потерян от истребителей противника. О потерях 78-й аэ мне ничего не известно.

"Вранье и ложь в пропаганде, агитации и печати дискредитируют партийно-политическую работу, флотскую печать и наносят исключительный вред делу большевистского воспитания масс".

Из директивы заместителя Наркома ВМФ СССР и Начальника Главного политического управления ВМФ армейского комиссара 2 ранга И.В. Рогова.

#3 25.06.2012 09:41:25

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

III./JG 77 действовала в начале июля из Ясс над Днестром. ВВС ЧФ не летали туда 8 июля. Кроме того, на тот день записано только 5 побед над ДБ-3. Обе победы Лассе - над Мигами. 3 ДБ на счету Курта Уббена, по одному у Риля  и  Хаклера.
Все ДБ-3 ВВС ЧФ, "сбитые" над Констанцей - на счету JG 52, а именно 7. и 9. с Мамайи. 3 заявок у Э. Россманна, 2 у Й. Цвернеманна, 1 у Ф. Хёринга, 1 у неизвестного пилота.

#4 25.06.2012 11:53:29


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Of course the Germans meant SB and not DB-3F and I agree
about 40 BAP aircraft type which must have been on that
day either SB or PE-2.  I doubt that the JG77 have mistaken
their losses roaster of July 8,1941.

According my data from OBD, the BBC bomber groups had no
loses on that day,unless OBD omitted them.  The 8 DB-3 were
claimed by III./JG at 18:10 pm area Iasi, Balti, Constanza
and it says that out of 15 DB-3 , 8 were shot down.  Ubben and Hackler
didn't claim anything on July 8,41. The JG77 Internet records may
contain mistakes, please state your source of information.

From  JG52  history book and JG52 website,there is nothing mentioned
about July 8,41 , therefore you need to mention the source
of your information

The JG77 volume II shows the chart operational airfields of  II./  III./
7. / 8./ 9./ and 2 LG.2 , I.(J)/LG 2  period Juni-August 1941 .

Отредактированно arrow1 (25.06.2012 13:43:02)

#5 26.06.2012 00:06:00

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Prien, band 6, teil 2, seite 69 - JG 52 abschusse.
ibid seite 364 - JG 77 abschusse.
Oblt. Kurt Ubben, 8./JG 77, DB-3 (his 10. abschuss) claimed 18.23, two more on 18.25 and 18.27. Fw. Heinrich Hackler claimed DB-3 (his 3. abschuss) in 18.25. Exact place is not given by Prien in table, but he write in text above about place of gruppe activity for this day.
About bases also Prien + http://www.ww2.dk/ based on real german documents.

What is full title for JG 77 history book and date of publications? I suspect this is some kind of memoirs with little help of real documents. I have no other explanation for so big difference with Prien's capital work.

#6 26.06.2012 00:54:03


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

The books are the history books of JG77 by J. Prien published 1993
the 4 volumes are in German language which I also fluently speak and
are called :

EINSATZ DES JG 77 VON 1939  BIS 1945

Nach Dokumenten, Berichten und Erinnerungen

All 4 books containing over 5000 pages & hundred of photos
and thats the full history of JG77 partially also LG2 and seems
to be very accurate as they match my US , Soviet
and UK air activities research which I started 19
years ago.

Did you you mean that Prien also wrote the history book
of JG52 ? If he did indeed , pse give me the full title
of the book is am not aware of. My book on JG52 is called
JG52 The Experts by John Weal

What is IBID ?  what is the full title ?

The website you mentioned is known to me
and it subject to various errors.

Отредактированно arrow1 (26.06.2012 00:58:31)

#7 26.06.2012 13:16:00

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Look for example http://books.stonebooks.com/book/1012664/
Prien with others publishied already 10 volumes comprehesive history of Jagdwaffe and it is very strange, that you don't know about them.
In this book authors overview ALL german fighter units in all theatres. JG 77, JG 52, JG all around. Included is names of bases, abschuss lists, losses, short history plot. Photos present too, but not many. Dates of publishing is more close to us (2003 for b.6 t.2), so Prien perhaps correct his data.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553237
The website you mentioned is known to me
and it subject to various errors

True, it has some errors, but this time it correspond with other sources (Prien, Roba-Benrnad-Karlenko).

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553237
What is IBID ?  what is the full title ?

???? Ibid = ibidem, latin word for same place as previous. I'm say that data in same Prien book as before, i.e. "DIE JAGDFLIEGERVERBÄNDE DER DEUTSCHEN LUFTWAFFE 1934-1945 BAND 6 TEIL 2: UNTERNEHMEN "BARBAROSSA" EINSATZ IM OSTEN 22.06 BIS 05.12.1941". Sorry if i write not clear but i think all know this book.

#8 26.06.2012 14:05:44


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Ok thank you for the info though as on previous
topics you rush to conclussions and you touch again
hypothetical topics ,which I am not keen to discuss.

First of , the history of the Lufwafffe was never my main
topic and when you say all knew about  these publications
you are totally wrong.  Most of the Russian historians
I talked to and still talk to , not even sufficiently know about their own
WWII Aviation History  , not to talk about other histories in WWII 
( Hazanov   &  Miroslav not falling in this category). In fact also you
didn't know that Prien wrote 4 large volumes of the JG77 which are
the main mile stone of the JG77 history.

Regarding  Denes & Karlenko who wrote two volumes about BBC/VMF
they contain duzins and duzins  of mistakes and hundreds of grammer errors 
while most of the stuff they have copied from Hazanov publications
in Avia Master , though yes they managed to  publish interesting photos, that's
all.  Denes publications about Rumanian and Hungarian AF's in WWII are
more successful then his Karlenko venture . Bergstroem stuff seems to be more
in line and aligned with the history of WWII.

My research started with Ops Halpro ( if you know what that is ) 1942 ,than Operation
Tidalwave 1943, then Rumania bombings of the 15th AF into Rumania in 1944, RAF 205th
GP into Rumania 1944 . then Operation Frantic from Poltawa 1944 and ending
with BBC / VMF Ops into Rumania 1941-1943-1944.

Lufwaffe history is just a colateral subject associated with the books I am planning
to publish .

I think I am very satisfied with my knowledge and I don't feel I have
any gaps in my data base which in case they may exist , they would
be irrelevant for my books which are due to appear in the future.

Отредактированно arrow1 (26.06.2012 16:41:14)

#9 26.06.2012 17:06:16

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

If you think that Hazanov is good historian, you veeeery wrong about him. Maybe russian side he can describe good enough for basic reading, his knowledge about german side is almost zero, or even lower. I can figure it by myself couple times, when compare his works with germans data i have, basicaly about north theatre of operations in which i working most time.
AFAIK Karlenko write his part of book on soviet documents and not Hazanov's articles. Maybe he use some materials from that author, but not take all his articles as soviet side data.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553396
Regarding  Denes & Karlenko who wrote two volumes about BBC/VMF
they contain duzins and duzins  of mistakes and hundreds of grammer errors

This is serious charge. Can you give some examples with proofs? I mean mistakes (btw what is "duzins"?). Grammar errors for me is not a measure of quality for historical book. All three authors not english-languaged, me too. I understand their book, and this is enough.

#10 26.06.2012 17:24:39


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

It was meant dozen and not duzin ( type error )

Hazanov in similar to Miroslaw have access to important documents
of the Soviet military archives of WWII, and that's the key in starting
books and historical research. Fact is that Hazanov published books
also in the West such as  LA-5/7 along with Medveev, as good as Yefim Gordon, Oleg
Rastrenin,Mihail Maslov etc and I qualified his book as excellent as good as
Torpedo / Morozow .

I was in touch with Karlenko and I disagree about the comparison
to Hazanov and his historical data base .

It will take me considerable time  to start looking for the errors on Denes
Karlenko Barbarossa books, especially that at the moment I am
lacking the time due to many other activities, though when the
time will afford ,I will let you know.

Karlenko errors are related to the Constanza,Sulina, Ploesti VMF losses
and mission dates as well fate of some of the crews. Additionally
they have omitted other losses of the BBC & VMF  which are clearly available
on OBD. Further, you not write books in the West in English with
continous spelling errors, thats critical ! Finally I wonder on why Denes
is writting about Soviets when in fact this guy is a convinced Nazi sympathiser
and a Hungarian fascist resident of Canada ......so please give me a brake
about Karlenko and Denes.

As an example of critical errors out of many :

Page 80 , Volume I , Capt Schultz of 2 MTAP didn't crash at all at
Ploesti nor Rumania , nor any of his crew were POW in Rumania,period !

Page 158 ,Volume II ,Lt Skatov did not TARAN nor crash into enemy
artilery positions at all
.....absolutely somewhere else !

What would Schultz and Skatov say about this nonsense, if they were alive ?

These are two example of many numerous other , period !

Отредактированно arrow1 (26.06.2012 17:49:24)

#11 27.06.2012 00:50:07

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553480
Hazanov in similar to Miroslaw have access to important documents

He may have access, but used it very lazy. Recently i've read book of this two authors, Hazanov and Medved' about Pe-3. Text about plane's activity on Far north, my most interest, was writen on some kind of memoirs, without any trace facts from other side. Moreover, even soviet side facts has big errors and gaps. This is book for scrap, not reading. Early i've read some other book or article of Hazanov, equal dissapointing.
And if you wish i could proove all my words with facts.

Facts, that someone published a book in west for me not mean that he is good historian. Many books there is very low in quality, as i can see with my own eyes.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553480
Finally I wonder on why Denes
is writting about Soviets when in fact this guy is a convinced Nazi sympathiser

Book has three authors, and about soviets write not Bernad. Btw i read couple of his book and didn't in them any sight of nazi symphaty.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553480
Further, you not write books in the West in English with
continous spelling errors, thats critical

I repeat, grammar errors tell nothing about author as historians. This errors is fault not authors, but publishers in my view.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553480
they have omitted other losses of the BBC & VMF  which are clearly available
on OBD

Book published in 2008 and written earlier. OBD not exist that time and getting all losses was very hard i think.

arrow1 написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #553480
As an example of critical errors out of many

You still not give any proofs that this is errors.

And even if this is real errors, it is far from dozens and dozens.
I'm very interested in true about this book, because til now i recognize it as good enough. If it is so bad as you say, i want to know it - that's why i'm so persistent. But all facts needs in proofs, sorry.

#12 27.06.2012 14:01:51


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Most of your remarks are based on your personal
opinions and less on how the things were and are

of course I read your opinions but their relevance is
questionable having paralles with something childish
you keep preforming on here.

I didn't say that Denes political ambitions were
published on his books, like in many other cases
I have also corresponded with this person
long before he published any of his books  and
long before you red his and Karlenko stuff.

As I mentioned before , I don't have the time
nor interest to justify myself to you with facts about anything
but since you claim to be an expert fact you didn't
prove to me yet , then how about you look for the
errors yourselves  ? You are right not dozen of errors
but as much as over 160  errors or more.

Finally it seems to me that you like to act as  "movie
cesnorship" on here and yet your name is not Miroslaw Morozov
neither you ever proved me being an WWII expert.

My recommandations to you still apply , restudy all your
claims and make claims only when you sure about them,
this reffers also to your previous remarks regarding LG2
on July 26,41, JG77, BBC and VMF etc.

Finally I don't doubt that you extract lots of stuff from Internet
stuff which not appeals to me nor impresses me at all.

Despite your forum credits and your numerous virtual medals
they don't make u in my eyes an Aviation Expert at all , nor the previous
insultations of yours brought you anything so far . Though you are in your
own country forum and are free to provoke and bitch about foreign visitors,
facts which don't really bother me an inch.   Over and Out and good luck to you Sir.

PS : if you are upset with the truth about yourselves, try again
convincing Miroslaw to close my account, maybe this  time
u'll be more lucky and may get you the Aviation
expert title u looking for  .
   Finally may I ask you for your age ?

Отредактированно arrow1 (27.06.2012 14:26:16)

#13 27.06.2012 22:27:40

Контр-адмиралъ, лучший исследователь Форума 2011
Откуда: Киселевск
Сообщений: 5855


Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

When i say that i'm aviation expert? Can you give me citation?
My specialization is german navy but LW and VVS too close for them, so i know something about it.

You time after time post facts that seems to me erroneous, and each time you do this, i will post another view for people that reading your post and can make false conclusions. There is no rule to forbid me to do this. When you post doubtful data next time, think twice - or not to cry if i post another vision. In every case you can answer to me with facts, but you prefer to rapidly dodge to personal injury. As i see, you have no words to answer, but you like keep last word with you.

There is another foreign users of this forum but none of them delude another users. Your ego is big, that you see here some witch hunting - i'm never ask nobody for banning or something.

Yes, i dislike your way of behaving - asking a lot of materials for your book all around in russian internet, but not given anything in return, apart from old books and tiny pictures. It's look like proud white men cheating savages with tins.

To all my previuos remarks, as to my remarks in this topic, you didn't answer, so it is easily to conclude, that you know little about airwar in East. Your numerous charges for Roba-Bernad-Karlenko book seems to me weak and looks like personal enmity to authors.

Finally i can answer you, that my age didn't mean anything in our discussion. If i'm 25, i have no rights to say anything? If i'm 70, then i loose my mind in aged dementia?

#14 27.06.2012 23:20:16

Botik Petra Velikogo
anna3 stas3b
Сообщений: 10313

Re: JG77 History Book Volume 2

Похоже обсуждение исторических вопросов тут исчерпало себя. Ветка закрыта.

"Вранье и ложь в пропаганде, агитации и печати дискредитируют партийно-политическую работу, флотскую печать и наносят исключительный вред делу большевистского воспитания масс".

Из директивы заместителя Наркома ВМФ СССР и Начальника Главного политического управления ВМФ армейского комиссара 2 ранга И.В. Рогова.

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